Welcome to the posters and pins page at Migrations.info! We have a beautiful assortment of posters and pins for you, so let’s give a quick overview of what we have available:
1.British-Israel Emblem pins: Colorful red, white and gold-color pin-backed enamel metal.
These beautiful pins sport the official emblem of the British-Israel-World Federation. Colorful red, white, and gold-color edging, with the intertwined "B.I." letters centered in gold color. Perfect for a men's or ladies' coat or lapel. Show your faith! These are the larger-style B.I. pins approximately .75 inch square, easy to see and admire.
2.“We Are Israel" colorful pin-backed enameled metal.
These red, blue, and gold-color lapel pins show the flags of the USA and United Kingdom with the banner, "We Are Israel" in capital letters. Size is approximately 1.25 by .75 inches. Perfect for a coat, hat, or lapel. Show your belief in style! This pin was designed by members of CBIA-The Servant People and professionally produced for you to enjoy as a really beautiful conversation piece.
3.British Royal Family Genealogical Chart: A large-size four-color poster showing the descent of Queen Elizabeth II! "The Royal line from Judah and his sons through King David to the present British throne, which will one day, be occupied by our Lord, Jesus Christ.
This large-size poster is appoximately 17 by 22 inches, and depicts the descendants of the patriarch Judah and his sons Zarah and Pharez. The line of Zarah includes Calcol and Darda, ancestors of the British and Scottish kings. The line of Pharez includes Kings David, Solomon, and the kings of the house of Judah down to Jesus Christ. The reverse side is headlined, "References To Numbered Names," and in large 14-point type explains in three columns of narrative format the genealogy shown on the front side. This beautiful large chart is based upon the research of the Rev. W.M.H. Milner and M.H. Gayer, O.B.E., and was designed into poster format by long-time CBIA board member, Eleanor Russell, author of the book, "That You Might Believe" also sold on this booksite. A beautiful four-color design on parchment paper.
4.Tamar Tephi Wall Chart painting by the late BIWF-Canada leader, Douglas Nesbit, 14 inches wide by 17 inches high. The story behind this painting is told in the book, “The Tender Twig,” by Francis Henking, which we have available on our recommended books page.
5.If My People wall chart, color lithograph of a painting by Douglas Nesbit, 20 inches wide by 25 inches high. It is an interpretive painting of the interior of the ancient Hebrew temple in Jerusalem, with a melancholy atmosphere as befits the time-period immediately prior to its ancient destruction. There is a parallel theme here, warning us of our own destruction if we neglect the moral ways of God!
6.Revelation chapter 19 wall chart, 16 inches wide, 21-1/2 inches high.
The Second Coming of Christ as depicted in the Bible and rendered as a full-color lithograph by famed Oklahoma artist, Keith Birdsong, who has much professional artwork to his credit, from Star Wars posters to United States Postage Stamp designs. Here we see it nicely framed.
7.Finally, the Hebrew Priest wall chart. An Old Testament Hebrew priest is depicted blowing a shofar horn. This is a full color lithographed wall chart also painted by noted artist, Keith Birdsong.
For more information about each of these items, click on the item name or picture for an additional page of details. Thank you for visiting the Migrations.info web book store!